Thursday, May 14, 2009

Don't let this be you

My biggest fear is doing exactlly what this guys does.

Yes, its funny and I laughed for awhile after seeing this. But please, please, don't let that be me! Especially in a dress!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Last Class

Well this is it. Its 1:19 pm on Tuesday May 12th and I am officially done with my last semester of college classes. I have waited for this day for years. I am excited, nervous, and a little bit choked up. I can't imagine what it will be like to wake up in the morning and not go "ughh I have class" or when work calls me at 9 am begging me to come in because someone called out I can't say "Ohh nope I have class." I mean, I plan to go back to school so maybe one day I will say those words again, but for now, I'm done.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Summer Plans

I always love the end of the Spring semester. Not only does it mean no school, but it means the beginning of summer! The beach, the pool, lazy days with nothing to do! Although this summer won't be quite as relaxing as the last few, I think I will still make use of my time off. I picked up a second job, just working 2 extra days a week to help pay for my student loans. Plus there is the LSAT prep course fee I mentioned a few weeks ago. Oh yea, and then there is my slight shopping addiction. Besides that though I plan on relaxing by the pool, taking my dog to the park, and sleeping in!

I was curious as to what some other college graduates (or almost graduates) would be doing, so I casually asked around in some of my classes and here are the top 5 things people will be doing this summer:

1. relaxing/vacationing
2. looking for a job or completing an internship
3. traveling out of the country (Europe and Belize were two I remember)
4. taking a summer class to graduate
5. working

If anyone has anything else to tell me about that they will be doing after graduation, let me know! I'd love to hear about it.

A Word from the Wise

Dr. Spaulding pointed out to me that Professor Potter, who I blogged about a month or so ago, posted a bit of advice for students who are finish up with finals and about to graduate from college. As I said before, Professor Potter has decades of experience in the field of PR and Journalism so when he offers advice, it should not be taken lightly. In his bog, he advises:

Now it’s time to clean up the Facebook pages (especially the photos), get some businesslike clothing, practice speaking in complete, coherent sentences (and writing them, too), and hit the job search circuit.

Now that we are making the transformation from college students to college graduates, some things in our lives will need to change. One of them being the image we portray about ourselves through Facebook and MySpace. Potential employers will do some "Facebook stalking" of their own to find out if the front you put on during an interview is the real you or not. So, take some advice from the wise, and clean up those pages!

A Buzz Like No Other

I am reminded on a daily basis that there is only two weeks left of school and finals every morning when I wake up in a fit of panic worrying that I missed a final or forgot a paper. That was not however the case last night. See, you have to actually go to sleep in order to wake up. I blame no one other than myself for procrastinating until the day before a paper is due to write it(or as my boyfriend says, its not procrastination, I am just motivated by deadlines) . I do also blame my slave-driving employer who schedules me to work open-to-close 13 hour shifts every weekend.

So as 6 am rolled on by, I found myself high as ever. With the amount of caffeine and adrenaline running through my veins, it doesn't surprise me though. Its amazing how the feeling of banging out an 11 page paper gives you a buzz. Suddenly you look down and 5 hours have gone by and your almost done. The relief you feel afterwards is something I will miss about college. Its even more comforting to look up and see a surprising amount of students around me doing the exact same thing I am. Its comforting to know I'm not alone.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

10 best cities

With the economy still at its low point (I know I keep talking about but it's the truth) it's going to be hard to find a job. I stumbled across this press release the other day about the 10 best cities to live in post-graduation by taking into account the cost of living. In a nutshell, here is what it said:

Top 10 Best Cities for Recent College Graduates &
Average Rent for a One Bedroom Apartment

1. Indianapolis $625
2. Philadelphia $1,034
3. Baltimore $1,130
4. Cincinnati $691
5. Cleveland $686
6. New York $1,548
7. Phoenix $747
8. Denver $877
9. Chicago $1,133
10. San Antonio $696

And look, there is Baltimore at number 3!! Looks like I should stop complaining and embrace my wealth.

This, I will not miss

This is one thing I will NOT miss about school. This is my binder from this semester. Granted, I do have all of my classes combined into one, but still. There is enough paper in here for 3 trees! It won't even close all the way. Can you imagine lugging all this around plus textbooks 5 days a week? The worst part is, I am constantly cleaning my binder out and throwing away old papers. That means everything that is in this binder is actually things I need on a daily basis. That is sad. That I will not miss.

I will miss it

I know I have been endlessly talking about how excited I am to be graduating and how sick I am of school but this morning I had a change of heart. I was in the library at 8 am and there were a decent amount of people in there and everyone was typing of discussing a project. The guy next to me got a phone call and was telling the person on the other line how he was never going to finish his project and he was freaking out.

My best friend stayed up all night to finish a presentation. I drank 3 cups of coffee yesterday and sat in the library for 7 hours writing a paper I should have written a month ago.

That's what I will miss. The excitement and the panic when you have 2 pages written of a 20 page paper and its due the next day. As much as I complain about class and projects, come september I'm sure I will be missing it!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What to Wear

With graduation only 18 days away, my friends and I (being girls of course) have gotten into a few conversations about what to wear to the big day.

Traditionally it is custom to wear white but I personally am not a fan of white so I'm going to opt for the non traditional attire.

One of my good friends said she wore black pants and black shoes and another said she wore a navy blue dress and nude heels.

For all you fellow senior girls out there I would appreciate some feed back on what you plan to wear. I don't think it really matters as long as it's tasteful correct?