Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm International

It finally happened! My blog has gone international! According to google analytics, I have one visit from India and one from the Philippines. According to analytics, I also got the most hits and the most comments I have ever gotten on my April 7th post on limbo. granted, some of this may be due to the fact people were searching the other type of "limbo," the religious type, but it still gave me hits! I also implemented some of the tips I offered in my last post. When I researched google hot trends, one of the topic that came up was graduation gifts, so I wrote a post on graduation gifts. I didn't get any comments and my hits were not severely increased, but it might take some time. I will certainly keep you updated on how well these SEO tips are working for me!

1 comment:

  1. I found a site that helps you think through what to get for your graduate. I was completely at a loss until I found Gifts.com. If you need inspiration for college graduation gifts check out http://www.gifts.com/occasions/graduation/3ohr10aicp?featuredIdea=3088 Good luck getting some pick up!
