Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Graduation Gifts Part II

After I posted about the three best graduation gifts I would like to receive, I got a response from someone who is not in this class, finally! Dana Schultze is a fellow blogger who has used her blog as a resume. She commented on my post by giving me a link to a website she has used to help her find gifts for graduates. Gifts.com is a great website to use when looking for specific gifts. I found 3 cute ideas ranging from $10 to $1000. In order from cheapest to most expensive:

1. Words of Wisdom Books: I think this is a really cute idea to get a graduate for a couple reasons. First, we are all scared about entering the real world and failing miserably. A little book with some real-world advice doesn't cost a lot and can help more than you think. Second, let's be serious, I know I am not getting a job when I graduate and I still need to exercise my brain so why not get me some nice reading material so that I have something to do while passing the time.

2. Some stocks: I like this idea because stocks right now are fairly cheap. It is the best time to buy so why not buy a few hundred dollars worth of stocks as a gift to give to a college graduate. This way when the stock market rises, the few hundred dollars you invested could turn into a few thousand!

3. A computer: In a previous post I blogged about how much I needed a new computer and how it would be a great graduation gift. Apparently I am not the only one who thinks this is true. A computer would make a better gift than most would think. Most teenagers get a computer after graduating high school to transition into their college career, but after 4 or 5 years, a computer gets filled with a lot of useless junk (I blame the downfall of my laptop on Limewire). A computer is a great gift, especially since my $16,000 of debt inhibits me from splurging on one for myself.

So, thanks to Dana Schultze, here are a few more great gift ideas for college graduates. I hope this helps!

1 comment:

  1. I asked my parents for a new computer for graduation because my current computer was my graduation present from high school. Only two weeks until I'll have a new one!
